If I was something else I’d fancy being a sunfish.

I’d flip like a silver dollar and bask up at the sun. The sun would believe me to be the moon and it would progress to the horizon, jealous of the romance I have inspired millions of people with for millions of years. My life under the moon is dark above and below. This is where I live.

My sparkle would be so strong that I would blind the eyes of fishermen and sailors, so they lose their way and are cast upon the rocks.

When I lay on my side, weary gulls can land on me and have a sea snack, picking away at the little creatures that tarnish my appearance.

My fins point north and south, so I always know where I’m going.

I like to float about in the warmer waters.

I am nice and flat, like a fish head without a tail. When I am little I do have a tail and some spines on me, but one day I looked and those things had gone. I don’t know where they went.

I am the best thing in the world.

I have a mouth like an over-used bot-bot. I like to eat jelly fish. I taste a bit nasty so generally I get left alone to do my sunfish thing.
It is a nice enough life that I have.

I would be so good at being so odd that people would make movies about me and post them on you tube. In aquariums I am quite a hit with the visitors, too.
If I was ever described as “fat” I would be able to truthfully declare that it is because I have heavy bones. I know a lot of humans claim to have heavy bones, but well, you know what those humans are like with their story telling. I am indeed the heaviest bony fish in the world; my average weight is 1,000 kg’s. So I may look like Sir Cumferance but it is with very good reason, I really am big, but not spherical. So no more rude comments about my size, thankyou.

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